humanity only learned to assume loveliness when Loveliness assumed the human form


Colors series: cinereous

oppressed and set into motion by the same hand-
bronzed, with long fingers-
struck and caressed by the same voice:
the context consistent, the intonation capricious;
carved and stabbed by the same true knife-
with a handle of steel, battered and dented;
and looked upon with love 
and watched despairingly 
by the same good pair of eyes. 

random bits I don't remember writing, all dated nov. 2013

these things were supposed to mean nothing to me but instead


the corners warp into a roll
and all the new teeth manage
to gradually misalign. 

all the circles
I try to draw are ovals and
all my squares
are tilted and difficult. 

I'd rather be on the roof dissolving leather in acid and pretending to be unrestrained
-both grungy and credible at once- 

but I can never get to the roof,
since all the ladders I try to draw
are rickety
and unreliable