i discovered a rabid pulsing, as if there were a bomb atop the armchair located in the ugliest cave of my mind. amidst all the apathy i found scattered bursts of compassion and the possibilities of undefiled goodness. this is a process of learning to react nicely to the world, instead of convincing myself that the world exists to respond to me. man was made to be pleasant. i am a scatterbrain in a sense, but then the very essence of the earth cognitively comes in unexpected fragments: the niceness of the world and a polished version of myself should make an efficient team. the art i long to create is inseparable from nature's materials and the anatomy of twisted glamor; the presence of raw circumstance and all that is stirred by the tide. i'd love to see a divine convergence take place.
i am not ready to assert authority. i am not bound to any current motives which will ultimately prove stale and easy to drown. i am a reflection of my environment- stating otherwise would be a futile idea. i am hissing at the recoil. oppressive backdrops- opaque blue- the fading, diminutive moment of the truest form of dawn. it is a delightful array of personalities unveiling, breaking themselves apart in the positive radiance of kind light. what light is: a gift. light is a glint of trust- a mystic color of transparency- a glimmer of fragility that dethrones the dead and gloomy. i am to shine light on the tombs, quietly and kind-heartedly, with butterflies in my brain; in order to undo the deflowering. i carry the torch with me. my demons should not be able to catch up any time soon.
your blindness hurts me. the fact that everything is void hurts me. i suppose i demand too much and crave too much yet take much more than i provide; this makes me a menace- a malignant mote of dust, a negatively inclined leaf on a branch, a stinking old taxidermy collection. oftentimes i exercise the perspective of a chess piece: cunning, drearily and idly subjective; and always on the move. moving small moves is chiefly the key. i am also an instrument. my master manipulates my journey and i welcome it. this is how things must happen. i do not want a chain on my brain. but things happen.
silenced by redemption
satisfied by temperance
numbed by attrition
the deathly awareness attributed to time and suffrage.
today i watched the mountains float above my head
colossal mounds of stone and greenery.
waterfalls cascaded down to the depths,
those dark places that had no definite bottom.
but up there, the colors were radiant. everything was beautiful- the complete absence of shadows: prevalent-
atop the heavenly coalescence of light,
and elevation, entombed in
a single leaf.
I could hear the ringing of the earth's core there.
underneath all the metaphors and the makeup there is a sleepy sort of pain. but i like this. one cannot be fully human or interesting if they are not pained. soft and happy and perfect is boring as a white brick. the glow becomes rather deathly sometimes, though; the prelude which was supposed to contain only the introduction has evolved into the actual musical tapestry- the linear geological history of the mountains; the Bible of the Wood.
inevitable confluence- flustered by the aggregate of thought - amazed by the determination of the wilful and magical.
yet i cannot complain as the world as it is wails because its every crevice is filled with sin and subliminal voices. a cyanide angel turns rabid and bleeds out ambition and withers into herself and reincarnates into a solitary type that is never noticed nor cared for, which is the sole purpose of a sad thing that wishes for company but has been refused such. the plant craves a satisfying drink that will transport its consciousness into a dimension of memory and illusions pristine, in which the colors are luminous and pure and the light is abundant as air- the shadows absent as heavenly fragrances. in such a place my dreams are valid and are at play; the clouds are underneath my feet and the earth is nowhere to be seen. death is an accessory and misogyny has never been introduced and never will be. drink up! distribute this dreamy liquid and ensure that every living person achieves elevation, which in this case means that they put down their electronic devices during mealtimes.
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