humanity only learned to assume loveliness when Loveliness assumed the human form



The first footprint is an epigraph. 
Fusing justice, medicine, and theology;
advancing the tension between free learning
and complacent study.
Nothing is manageable. Nothing at all. 
I have resorted to reading the labels
on antibiotic bottles
and shampoo containers:
the detailed excursions lose their radiance  
and my prayers 
are becoming idle demonstrations.  
Almost everything is humiliating nowadays.
will elicit laughter. Mockery,
the child of standard. 
A severed mind suspended 
in bright orange resin, 
the darling of a new exhibit. 
The philosophy of pornography, the eye of the curriculum
and a cyan-hued plate
of the earth 
just another inanimate article
found in an expensive buffet. 
These people are captivated by lists
and bottle caps,
soda pops, and chairs with cold backrests. 

What do you call the phobia
of depths, and the suffocating expanse;
what do you call a flat and crumbled
disconcerted husk
as it leads an orchestra of trainees
in the performance of a borrowed song?  

A lime
in place of my liver
A rhyme 
written in a dim hotel bathroom. 

Nothing is manageable. Nothing at all.


I have not reached the satisfactory sound.
The keys are too heavy for my fingers 
and when I close my eyes
I hear the tricky chorus
of black and white constituents,
as the two camps have not yet learned to unite as a trickling spectrum. 
The music is quite religious
in the way that it is organisational. 
It strives to be objectively traceable. 
The index finger its favourite authority,
 the process of counting 
is the backbone of integrity;
the perfect white wall clock
the illegitimate parent of my trembling psyche. 
The ambience is conjured formulaically 
and my ambivalence 
toward the ordeal 
is instigated by the alternative dynamic. 
I think I love the gristly fragrance of raw meat. 
My lungs have had too much
of your grandmother’s severe perfume,
I taste nothing but metal and the denouncement of freedom.
By displacing the noise you have left me
with a new division of hymns,
a small army of forgivable screeches. 

a concussion

Yield. An infatuation with ultramarine,
the blackly profound youth with a slant towards distortion. 
the exoskeleton 
of a glamorised hue of vulnerability. 
I prayed for a way with words
and instead 
won the paper stack. 
my music
by the best of my bruises.  

Swan Song

A constellation of bullet holes,
the art of seeing
wrestling with the shadow
of portent.

The remnants of the symphony 
and assault my dreaming. 
The irony of this artistry
and denounces my meaning.

The little dance:
heels on mahogany,
their echoes,
and rose gold ribbons.

Fashioning delicate expressions-
Theatrical tricks of vibrance:
the embers of any soliloquy
the ashes 

of any ballet.  

Music and motion
the bones of my Devotion.

Humanity finally learned 
to assume loveliness
when Loveliness 

assumed the human form